Celebrant Name - Occasion Title​

You have 07 clips

Total time of all video clips is about 07Hr 16 min

Time to collate and produce your JolliHop is 25 hr 13 min

Add Your Heading Text Here

Celebrant Name - Occasion Title​

Our system is creating your JolliHop​

Working 35%

No need to wait around. We will send you email when the JolliHop is ready. ​

Add Your Heading Text Here

Click and hold on video clip number to move \ re-arrange video clips

You have 12 new video clips added since last collate Jollihop


Target Sent Date: 23rd August 2021

Time Left: 42 Hours

Select and Upload Your Greetings

Message section for the status of video upload or upsell information, e.g. message for the user to upgrade

Collate JolliHop​ Clips

Opening Message:​

The JolliHop will start with your selected template.

Include Opening Message​

Add your intro message using 3 rows below​

Ending Message:

You can end the JolliHop with another message or simply transition out.  

Include Ending Message

Add your end message using 2 rows below

Background Music:

Add background music​

Please wait! We are processing your request…

Tips for Best Video

1. Use a location that is well-lit with plenty of indoor lighting
2. Ensure the surrounding is quiet with no background noise
3. Position camera at eye level and look at the camera at all times
4. Record in daylight if possible. If not make sure light is behind the camera facing you
5. Keep your hand movements to a minimum
6. Smile, especially at the beginning and the end of each response
7. Best video is from 30 to 60 sec (1 min).
8. Make your greeting about the celebrant or occasion

9. You can edit your video quality & orientation on your device and re-upload again.